Rough and final grading services provided using proper drainage techniques and consideration for the whole site.

At Ultragreen, we are charged with the ever-important task of rough and finish grading of residential and commercial sites. Grading is crucial to the proper drainage of the site in question, often preventing water infiltration and damage to existing structures and oddly enough, is the #1 reason most people have water problems in their homes. We focus and deliberately spend time making necessary adjustments to prevent these and other related issues.

The term “final” grading is often confused with the term “finish” grade and when you are buying a new home or doing heavy construction, the builder/contractor will tell you the excavators bid includes “finish or final” grade. The part you need to know here is that that is NOT a grade we we can plant seed on. The site surfaces are not yet prepped for seed planting, rather they are only set for the establishments of contour and drainage purposes…not seeding or sod. There will, in most cases, be he need for us to prep the soil with a special machine that smoothest the surface and loosens up the soils for good seed root penetration and development. Also, it’s a great way to remove larger stones as possible giving you a softer surface to walk on once the lawn comes in.

Special Financing